transformative giving

We are very humbled by the generous donations made by the MSK school community to support our sponsored children and Montessori sister-schools – the V, M and K schools in Tanzania, Africa. Because of these donations, we are able to provide an education to hundreds of students and play an important role in their success and well-being.

How to donate

  • Select “Donate Now” and choose the “Education” option.

  • Below is a text box that indicates you can “apply your donation to a specific fund”. There, indicate you are donating to the V, M and K Schools.

  • All donations over $25 will receive a tax receipt.

Where do the MSK Donations Go?

construction and Maintenance

of the buildings

construction and Maintenance

DOnate Now

furnishing of the buildings

furnishing of the buildings

DOnate Now

digging and maintenance

of wells

digging and maintenance

DOnate Now

development and implementation

of alternative water security projects

development and implementation

DOnate Now

quarterly teacher training

for all Montessori teachers

quarterly teacher training

DOnate Now

annual, 2-week, teacher training

for all Montessori teachers

annual, 2-week, teacher training

DOnate Now

provision of all montessori materials

provision of all montessori materials

DOnate Now

provision of all montessori materials

provision of all montessori materials

DOnate Now

supervision and assessments

of schools

supervision and assessments

DOnate Now

de-worming & other health & hygiene initiatives

for all students

de-worming & other health & hygiene initiatives

DOnate Now

medical treatment for students and parents

of the M & K schools (located too far from any permanent clinics & only supported by our mobile medical clinic)

medical treatment for students and parents

DOnate Now

development & provision of materials for health boards

located at each school to disseminate important health information to the 3 communities

development & provision of materials for health boards

DOnate Now

medical care and support

for all Montessori teachers and their families

medical care and support

DOnate Now

kick-IT mobile libraries serve the M&K schools

because of their remoteness

kick-IT mobile libraries serve the M&K schools

DOnate Now

in-classroom support and training

in-classroom support and training

DOnate Now

what’s next?

Due to the overwhelming success of the V, M and K schools, coupled with the community’s need for an elementary school we have committed to assist in raising funds for this next phase of development in Mwashota community.

Current $2,030 67%

The New Mwashota Elementary School

Our goal is to raise $14 000 to build this space!

The plan for the new Mwashota Elementary School is to knock the dilapidated building and replace it with two new classrooms. These classrooms will add an additional 240 square-metres of learning space. The existing structure M School is 375 square-metres which means the entire school compound will be 615 square metres of learning space. Once the project commences, we estimate it will take 3-5 months to complete.

The M School will become a flagship, community school that will serve as an example for future village-based schooling.

about Mwashota

Mwashota is a very remote community with a population of 2500 people. Other than the M School, that currently teaches 400 students, there is no access to education. The closest government-run primary school is located an hour-long motorcycle ride away. Once students at the M School have completed their Casa program, there are no academic opportunities available to them. The teachers at this school saw this gap as a major issue and expanded the school to include class time up to grade 4. But the problem is that the space they’re using for these further studies is a dilapidated building.

Thanks to the tremendous support by the MSK community, the M-Mwashota Montessori School and the K-Lyankunda Montessori School continue to thrive.  Combined, the schools have over 600 students.  In fact, the M-Mwashota Montessori School has students all the way the Standard VII.  Last year, the K-Lyankunda Montessori School’s longtime teacher, Maurus retired.  Razak, a new teacher from the community was recruited and trained to replace him.  Additionally, a third teacher has joined the M-Mwashota Montessori teaching team to manage the overwhelming student numbers. 

The communities of Mwashota and Lyankunda are facing major challenges as wildlife from the expanded Ruaha National Park are coming closer and closer.  In fact, elephants were spotted between Mwashota, Lyankunda and the neighbouring community of Lyanbogo.  The encroachment of wildlife is posing a new obstacle for the communities, as they navigate a new landscape.

The V-Utengule Montessori School continues to thrive.  It was refurbished this year.  Currently, there are 100 students.  James, a teacher from the neighbouring community of Magurula has joined Patricia to teach at the V school, since Ester is able to manage the student load at the Magurula Montessori.

At the beginning of 2022, The Olive Branch for Children interviewed the students currently studying at the Utengule Secondary School.  To secure a spot in a government secondary school, a student must perform well on their Standard VII National Exams.  Almost all of the students studying at the secondary school have passed through our Montessori program.  In fact, many were taught by Patricia at the V-Utengule Montessori School.

Thanks to the tremendous support of the MSK community, The Olive Branch for Children is able to continue to support the V, M and K schools with ongoing professional development for the teachers, new Montessori materials and school maintenance.

project budget

Item Cost
Materials (ie. cement, roofing sheets, rocks for foundations) $ 9,000.00
Transport of Materials $ 1,000.00
Basic Furnishings $ 2,000.00
Labour Costs for Construction Team $ 2,000.00
TOTAL $ 14,000.00