In the majority of today’s traditional schools, teaching is mainly done via teacher instructing students in a large group in front of a class. In a Montessori school students learn concepts as they work independently with the many self-correcting materials in the classroom, under the guidance of their teacher. The learning environment is non-competitive, allowing students to progress at their own pace. Students are provided with the opportunity to reach their full potential both emotionally, physically, socially and academically.

Children who have had a sound Montessori education are generally, self-motivated, self-disciplined, confident and have developed a love of learning. And as such, they are able to easily adjust to many new situations, including traditional school systems. It is strongly advised that should a transition be made to the traditional school system that it is done upon completion of the Casa Program or the Lower Elementary Program at a minimum.


  • Teacher is unassuming; child directed
  • Child can choose where to sit, is free to talk to others without being disruptive
  • Concepts are learned using concrete materials which lead to abstract work
  • Children plan their own agenda for the day
  • Group work encourages children to teach and learn from one another
  • Predominantly small group
  • Child explores topics of interest outside the main lesson
  • Mixed age groups


  • Teacher directed
  • Assigned seating, talking to others is restricted
  • Many concepts are memorized
  • Children work on specific work at specific times
  • Teaching is primarily done by the teacher
  • Mainly whole class instruction
  • Child may only work within limits of the curriculum and teacher assigned work
  • Same age grouping in class

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