Starting the School Year Right!

By Mrs. Beros



School supplies……check

Hair combed, teeth brushed, new clothes……check, check,and check

No matter how ready and prepared you are for the start of school everyone gets the jitters!  Even teachers! So don’t worry it’s normal to feel a little nervous about the unknown.  In order to help your child transition smoothly into a new school year here are a few helpful tips to alleviate some of those first few days of jitters.

  1. MEET and GREET– If there is a meet and greet prior to the start of school make sure you attend.  This is a great way to meet the teacher, classmates and see your environment prior to the first day.  You can ask your teacher any questions you may have. Walk around your classroom, the school and the playground. Ask where the bathrooms are and know where the main office is.  The more comfortable you feel about your surroundings the more relaxed you will feel.
  2. TRY TO GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP– I know this is sometimes easier said than done but make sure you have your bedtime routine set up. For example: put on pj’s, brush teeth, wash your face, set your alarm,  and read for a half an hour before lights out. If you are not yet a reader, have your parents read you a story.  If you are an older student unplug those electronics and phones at least an hour before lights out.  Establishing a good night routine will help you feel well rested and ready to tackle your day.
  3. EAT WELL– Nourishing your body with a healthy breakfast in the morning is essential to good learning.  You have to remember that you probably haven’t eaten since the night before so skipping breakfast is not the best idea.  Make healthy food choices that will fuel your mind and body until lunch.  Some good breakfast options are eggs, pancakes, yogurts, oatmeal, fruits, fruit based muffins….the possibilities are endless.
  4. MAKE CONNECTIONS– One of the major anxieties for children is making friendships. As parents make connections with your school community. If you can make connections even before the start of school this may alleviate some anxiety. “Set up playdates for younger children, so they have a chance to get to know each other before school,” Dr. Adelayo recommends. If you’re new to a school or neighborhood, they may have a social media page that you can connect on and find other parents who have kids your children’s ages. It will not only help your children, but you can meet new people too. “
  5. SPEAK WITH YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER- Your child’s teacher is there to help support and guide your child. He or she may have some useful tips and activities for the students to get to know one another on the first few days of school. Encourage your child to speak with their teacher if they are feeling overwhelmed. The teacher is there to support and assist your child, not only academically, but socially and emotionally as well.

The most important thing to do if your child is feeling overwhelmed is to just BREATHE.  Take a moment or two, get down to your child’s level, give them a hug and just reassure them that we all feel like this….teachers, principals, mommys and daddy’s! We are all in this together.

Lidia Beros